Setting up your Therapy Session

A great session involves planning and set up. Planning helps to create a fluent session where a Learner and therapist can move from one activity to another with ease. An effective way for our therapists to track the length of their activities is using our ‘Activities’ feature within our PoritaPro Mobile App. Our therapy sessions are comprised of a combination of Natural Environment Teaching (NET) and Intensive Table Teaching (ITT). The ratio of ITT and NET teaching for each child is unique and individualized.

ITT is a period of time where the therapist is presenting teaching materials to the Learner in a systematic way using a set of highly effective teaching procedures based on the Learner’s profile. Teaching occurs at the table and the period of time depends on the Learner and their Learner profile. NET involves learning through play or learning in the natural setting. A natural setting indicates that teaching is not just occurring at a table located in a quiet therapy room, but in a variety of environments and locations. A key component to natural environment teaching is that it uses the Learner’s motivation to teach new skills or generalize skills previously taught in ITT. In contrast to ITT, reinforcement in NET is directly embedded into the task. The NET activity must fit the skill the therapist is targeting (i.e., imitation and requesting), capture the Learner’s interest and motivation and be full of language. One of the great aspects of NET is that it is easy for caregivers to implement with their own children at home.

The Manding (requesting) and Sustaining Motivation Curriculum within our Portia Curriculum is a great starting point to teach skills in the natural environment. It is important to sustain the Learner’s motivation in the natural environment for longer periods of time allowing for increased attending behavior and longer teaching opportunities in the future.

Click here for Portia Curriculum – Manding

Click here for Portia Curriculum – Instructional Control – Sustaining Motivation


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